Eye Examinations
Not sure what to expect for your exam? Have questions? Wondering if there is a type of exam that you need to have done? Look no further! Check out our list of exams below, including a guide for your typical eye exam!
Not sure what to expect for your exam? Have questions? Wondering if there is a type of exam that you need to have done? Look no further! Check out our list of exams below, including a guide for your typical eye exam!
1. Comprehensive Patient History
2. Objective Determination of Vision
3. Subjective Determination of Vision
4. Neurological, Perceptual, Muscular Testing
5. Peripheral Vision Testing
6. External Eye Health Evaluation
7. Internal Eye Health Evaluation
8. Glaucoma Testing
9. Summary
Recommendations for eye care
Did you know that school vision screenings fail to detect a visual problem in one of six children with a visual disorder? That’s why it is important for all school-age children to have a comprehensive eye examination. As a matter of fact, we suggest that every child have an annual Back to School examination, to be sure that each child starts the school year seeing well.
Also, children do not need to be able to read to have an eye examination. With the diagnostic equipment we have at Jody’s Optical, we can examine a child as young as six months of age.
With the wide selection of contact lenses available today, just about everyone is able to wear contact lenses. However, because of this wide selection of lenses, optometrists must develop the skills and knowledge to select the proper lens for their patients. Contact lenses must fit comfortable on your eyes, provide clear, crisp vision and not compromise the health of your eyes. If a lens doesn’t perform to our standards, we will not use it. This is why we continually investigate every new contact lens that becomes available to make sure you get the right contact lens for you.
Every contact lens patient at Jody’s Optical receives complete instructions on the proper care and wearing of the lenses, as well as a starter kit containing all of the solutions needed to clean and disinfect the lenses. To ensure that your eyes are healthy while wearing lenses, we require several check ups throughout the year. Your contact lens examination fees include all of this follow-up care.
Hopefully, you will never need this service. However, if you or any member of your family ever develop an infection (such as pink eye), or injure your eye in any way, you can be sure that you will receive the best and most up-to-date treatment possible at Jody’s Optical.
Being certified in Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents means we have undergone extra studies and intensive training to be able to treat all eye infections and injuries.
For serious injuries prior to professional medical care, you should know what to do for yourself or for someone in your care. Click here for First Aid for Eye Emergencies by Prevent Blindness America.
Are you considering laser surgery to eliminate the need for glasses or contacts, we can provide you with an objective assessment of your eyes and help you evaluate the benefits and risks of this surgery.
If you do elect to have surgery, we are certified in all aspects of post-surgical treatment. This means that all of your post-surgery care can be provided right here at Jody’s Optical office. You won’t need to travel back and forth to any far away surgical center.